Published information materials for owners
26 November 2018
The deliverable on information materials for owners and tenants has been published. The use of BIM to improve the energy performance of buildings is described for each phase of the building life from the preliminary design till the construction,…
Published the information materials for Professionals
26 November 2018
The deliverable on information materials for professionals has been published. The use of BIM to improve the energy performance of buildings is described for each phase of the building life from the preliminary design till the construction,…
Published information materials for Public Administration
9 November 2018
The deliverable on information materials for public administration has been published. The use of BIM to improve the energy performance of buildings is described for each phase of the building life from the preliminary design till the construction,…
Published the map of competences for BIM and energy performance
5 August 2018
The competences’ map that workers, professionals and public administrations must possess to obtain better results using BIM in all phases of a building's life cycle is ready. The map is the result of a work of coordination with other European…
Draft of the Standardization of Training Schemes
5 August 2018
The “Draft of the Standardization of Training Schemes” provides an overview of the process of the recognition of competences in each country participating to the project. The pourpose of this document is to sign, in the end of the project, a…
Report on CEN existing standards and standardization landscape
5 August 2018
The Report on CEN existing standards and standardization landscape, provides an overview of the standards’ world and describes how a standard is proposed, discussed and then approved by involving all the main stakeholders. A standard, in fact, has…
Published the report on targets’ role
2 August 2018
The second report entitled "Report on Roles of Target Groups in the Building Life Cycle and their role in NZEB implementation" focuses on the roles and specific skills of the four main targets involved in the "almost zero energy" construction…
First net-UBIEP report published
1 August 2018
Focus of the first report entitled "Report on existing BIM professional profiles" is the harmonization of existing BIM profiles in the 7 partner countries of the project according to the EQF (European Qualifications Framework for Lifelong Learning)…